5th European Summer School on Microfluidics at University "Magna Graecia", Catanzaro, Italy
The Summer School will take place on September 9-13, 2024, in the campus of The University "Magna Graecia" of Catanzaro, close to the sunny marine quarter of Catanzaro Lido.
The official language of the summer school is English.

Join the 5-day learning circa bioprocess development or medical applications in Microfluidics
It is a 5-day Summer School with laboratory demonstrations covering the following topics:
1. Medical Applications in Microfluidics:
Fundamentals of Microfluidics
Sensors and Inline-Analytics
In-vitro and point-of-care diagnostics
Organs on chip
Visualization, sorting, and cell therapy in microfluidic devices
Cell culturing and screening in microfluidic devices
Microfluidic systems for pharmaceutical production
5 full days laboratory classes or Computational Fluid Dynamic lectures
2. Bioprocess development in Microfluidics:
Microfluidics, Transport Phenomena, Fluid Flow
Sensors and Inline-Analytics
Enzyme Immobilization in Microreactors
Biocatalysis in Microreactors
Cell Cultivation in Microreactors
Modeling and Design of Processes in Microfluidic Systems
5 full days laboratory classes or Computational Fluid Dynamic lecture

Lecturers from:
University College London, UK
Technical University of Denmark, DK
Graz University of Technology, AT
Technical University of Braunschweig, DE
University of Augsburg, DE
University of Bielefeld, DE
University of Ljubljana, SI
Complutense University of Madrid, ES
University of Granada, ES
Click below the PDF button to find out more about the summer school scheduling and plans!

Registration fees with accommodation include Hotel Paradiso's comfortable rooms and spaces

The organizing committee handle 2024 summer school registration via an online registration form. Please follow this registration link or the "Apply now" button in the upright section and submit your registration form.
Find out the participation procedures, logistics and what we offer by visiting this page!
In case you have additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us at ufluidics-summer-school-2024@unicz.it
This event was made possible thanks to our sponsors!